Unboxing Oshi No Ko Nendoroids: Aqua, Ruby, and Kana
Hello everyone! Arashi Bori here! I’m so glad you found my blog! I love to talk about upcoming anime figures and merchandise and share photos of my own collection. Nendoroids are my favorite, but I cover a wide variety of anime related subjects. Plus, I have a YouTube channel too, so feel free to check it out sometime! And thank you so much for tuning in; have fun reading!
The day before yesterday was an exciting day for me, because the Oshi No Ko nendoroids that I had ordered arrived! When Ruby’s nendoroid figure became available on the Good Smile website, I noticed that Aqua and Kana went back up for sale, and I had forgot to purchase them the first time, so I was able to get all three of these amazing characters before thy sold out!
Oshi No Ko is one of my favorite anime to watch as of late. I’ve been catching the new episodes every week on HIDIVE. And I must say, the second season has been phenomenal so far! Which is why I’m so thrilled to be sharing my unboxing experience with everyone reading this!
My order came a day before it was supposed to, so it was a nice surprise! There’s something so satisfying about getting a huge box of figures from the GSC…
The Good Smile company included a pamphlet for their Sweetsland event. During the duration of the event, participants can collect stickers from various conventions. If anyone adds all the stickers to this brochure, they get extra chances to win prize figures! Sadly, I’m not able to travel enough to see the Sweetsland booth at all these conventions, but I’ve been seeing videos on social media about this!
Aw, they gave me a free Racing Miku sticker! She’ll be going on the back of my laptop! >~<
I can’t describe how excited I am to open these! Those who read this blog often will know that I’ve been writing about the Oshi No Ko nendoroids ever since they were first announced, which makes it even more special to own them now!
Recreating the poses on their box is going to be a blast! By the way, this is a great way to get familiar with your new nendoroid’s parts.
I love the design on their boxes too; they all look so sparkly, don’t they?
Let me know who’s your favorite in the comments section at the end of this post! Kana is probably my favorite character, but I love all there nendoroid figures so much I can’t really pick one…>-<
There are so many iconic scenes we can recreate with this trio.
Because I ordered my Oshi No Ko nendoroids from the Good Smile Company, I received these special bases as bonus items! In my personal opinion, I think that the standard nendoroid bases are pretty boring, so I’m looking forward to using these for sure.
Let’s open Aqua first! I’m a huge fan of all the faceplates he comes with.
And here he is outside his box for the first time! Aqua has a cool aura to him, doesn’t he?
Now, let’s open Aqua’s base!
I’m so glad they decided to put the character’s signatures on their bases. >~< The white rim makes it look so much nicer! I also prefer circular bases to square ones.
Wow! I’m so happy to see him as a nendoroid figure!
This is from the scene where Aqua manages to get into Ai’s phone after years of entering every possible password. I love the desperate yet fulfilled look on his face.
Aqua’s smiley face reminds me of the scene where Ruby and Kana react to his overly chipper acting. It’s hilarious to see the contrast between an acting Aqua, and the real Aqua.
His camera is neat as well. I’m going to do some funny photoshoots where he’s filing the B Komachi girls for their YouTube channel.
In the end, Aqua will always be a fan of B Komachi no matter what. I’d love to see his nendoroid do the dance with the glowsticks! That was so silly in the anime. >~<
Ruby’s nendoroid is going to be quite cute, isn’t she? I’m excited to see what poses we can put her in!
As expected, her nendoroid captures her cheerful and optimistic personality well!
Let’s take a look at Ruby’s base!
I love the way Ruby draws her signature; it’s so cute!
Look, Ruby’s holding her hand out to you!
Ruby will always be Ai’s biggest fan (along with Aqua), even though no one outside of her circle knows that she’s actually her daughter.
I’m so happy she came with her microphone! I’m counting on the Good Smile Company to release nendoroids of Kana and MEMcho in their B Komachi uniforms someday too!
Ruby certainly has plenty of interesting poses! I think we will be able to do lots of cool scenes with her!
Her flustered expression is my absolute favorite! I think this is how I’m going to display her in on my shelf for now.
It’s time to unbox our amazing actress, Kana Arima!
I’m so happy to have another one of my favorite anime characters as a nendoroid figure! Her eyes are pretty, aren’t they?
Now, let’s get Kana’s base open!
Kana has a very stylish signature! I love all the stars and shapes they decorate the bases with too.
She looks stunning on her red base! I can’t wait to recreate some of her iconic scenes from the anime.
Her pointing pose is cute too! I want to do a scene where she accuses someone with this.
Kana’s mischievous face is kind of silly, isn’t it? While I was unboxing her, I kept thinking about how I wish she came with her crying face from “I’ll Go with Sweet Today”. It’s such an iconic expression throughout the series, so I just can’t believe they missed the opportunity to include it with her nendoroid. Maybe someday we can get an extra set of faceplates for our Oshi No Ko nendos, that’d be great!
Speaking of “I’ll Go with Sweet Today”, Kana Arima even includes the script! It’s going to be so cool to recreate her acting moments!
This may be my favorite of her poses so far; it seems as though she’s lecturing someone or chatting about something.
Now, it’s time to do some photoshoots with these guys!
Aqua and Ruby may have their differences at times, but both of them are mega-fans of their mother! I love seeing these two supporting each other during the ups and downs in their crazy, second lives!
Oh no, maybe Ruby doesn’t want her brother to take her picture! I love how I used Aqua’s sinister faceplate for this photo.
Kana Arima gleams in the moonlight! This picture is inspired by her song, “Full Moon…!”.
Which of these three nendos is your favorite? Let me know in the comments section at the end of his post!
It was a pleasure to unbox these characters. I hope you enjoyed reading about my unboxing experience!
If you would like to support me further, please follow @arashi_bori on Instagram! I post lots of cute photos of my nendos.
Thank you so much for reading my article! See you next time!