Satoru Gojo Halloween Costume Vote 2023
Hello everyone! Arashi Bori here! Welcome to my blog! Whether you found this website online, from a friend, or through my YouTube channel, I’d love to know how you discovered my blog! I hope that you can enjoy my wide variety of anime figure and merchandise content! I’m Arashi Bori, the hobbyist who’s overly excited about nendoroids!
In this post, we’ll be doing something very special. That’s right, it’s October now. Which means it’s time for our annual Satoru Gojo Halloween Costume Vote! You can vote right here on this page! No email is required! With that, I’d like to show off our 4 ideas for 2023! The costume that collects the most votes will win. I will make the winning design and share lots of photos of it here on my blog!
Keep in mind that the following concepts are just ideas. The finished outfit might look quite different. Which is why we need your help coming up with suggestions for the costumes!
Idea1: Dragon
When I brainstormed this design, I thought that he’d be better as an Easten style dragon. The Western style dragon might have been cooler, but I just assumed that the costume would be easier to make if I didn’t make wings. Though I definitely can make wings on costumes since I have before, so if you prefer the Western style dragon, please let me know!
Idea2: Clown
The clown is my favorite idea this year! If this concept wins, I will make the big lolipop staff for him to hold too. There’s a lot of derections you can go with clowns. He could be a happy, silly clown, or even a scary clown. I’m excited to hear any suggestions for this one.
Idea3: Zombie
This costume seems fun to make. I have lots of sticky eyeballs that would work well for this outfit. Plus, I know I cool way to do the brains spilling out. I think the grotesque aspects will make it cool. But for zombies I kind of want to do hordes…
Idea4: Reaper
Grim reapers are an iconic Halloween costume, aren’t they? Although it’s hard to draw the hoodie here, I think when it comes time to make it, the outfit will look much better. If this design wins, he’ll include the scythe, as well as the cute ghost shown here!
And those were my 4 ideas for 2023! Which option will you be voting for?
Voting rules
Please only vote once per person.
Please only vote for one of the ideas above. If you want to come up with costumes for me, you can mention them in the comments.
All votes are final and cannot be changed or taken back.
Any votes after the voting period (October 25, 2023) will not be counted.
2022 winner: Cat
Thank you so much for voting! You can also check out the seasonal section on this website! I will announce the winning costume on October 25th, 2022, so please stay tuned for more. If you enjoyed taking this poll, please do us a huge favor by sharing the link to it with your friends and family! Or share it on your social media. The more votes the merrier! And as always, thank you for reading Arashi’s blog! Best of luck in the future!