Happy Nendoroid November
Hello everyone! I was running out of ideas for posts today, so I decided to do a collection of photos from October. Basically. this is an October overlook post. But anyway, happy November everyone! We are drawing closer to the holiday cheer, aren’t we? I hope you will have a nice harvest season. Stay tuned if you want to help us decide the best photo from October!
As someone, who is trying to improve my photography skills, I’m interested in looking at these. By the way. this is Arashi Bori!
A never before shown photo! I’m starting with photos taken toward the start of October, and moving on from there.
Yuta in the dark…
This was a project I completed! You can make it as well if you look at the blog post.
Nendos watching their Seiyuu.
Nendos on the night before vacation!
I also made them a house for the trip. Same table style as before!
Pizza and Suguru…
I loved this one! He looked so funny on that ketchup!
Ah, beautiful scenery. Such a cheery photo, but he looks sort of evil…
I like the leaves!
In the car.
Whoa…. I think I lost him in that creek at some point. Don’t worry, we found him.
That was an odd statue.
I can’t see the menu…
Hotel room?
I set their house up!
Breakfast with Suguru!
Chinese food was also good! These food photos are playful, aren’t they?
I think this is my favorite one! That glasswork is so cool and looks awesome in photos to me!
Chuya in the forest! I think this was more of a picture of the forest, since He’s blurry…
Oh, that tree was lovely!
We made it to Halloween! I use markup to add little doodles to the photos.
Halloween party!
Gojo! We had a vote for his costume!
The zero trio!
The Wich girls!
Attack on candy! Ready for the spooky season?
The pumpkins I made made great props. Okami looks so cute...
Demon Slayer ghosts!
Ready for trick or treating? I think Satoru was a little lopsided here…
Phew…This post was long!
Sorry I haven’t taken any photos of my nendoroids lately. I’m still cleaning up from Halloween.
But I did re-do the seasonal section today!
Most of these photos come from various blog post of mine. You can visit them by looking for older blog post.
Which, reminds me, I added a search bar to the site, so it’s easier to find stuff now!
Thank you all so much for reading again! Let me know which photo you think is the best!
Have a great November everyone!