My Nichijou “My Ordinary Life” Books Came In From Japan!

Hello everyone! Arashi Bori here! There’s a story that I’ve been dying to try. It’s called Nichijou or “My Ordinary Life”. I started watching the clips on YouTube and I just think it’s so funny! So I decided to try and buy the manga. I’ve seen the 15th anniversary box set in the bookstore before, but that must have been a year or two ago… Luckily, the box set was still available online. But I changed my mind and got the full collection in Japanese instead. I bought it used off EBay, it was only 50$ for 10 books!

Nichijou “My Ordinary Life” is a manga and anime series created by Arawi Keiichi. The story follows high school girls’ ordinary lives, but this isn’t your average slice of life manga. Everything seems to go horribly wrong as they experience the unluckiest and most impossible scenarios! The comedy story follows two different groups of main characters. The first being Nano, a wind-up robot girl. She lives with the professor who made her and a talking cat named Sakamoto San. Meanwhile, the story follows three friends: Yukko, Mio, and Mai’s school lives.

They finally came in yesterday! I can’t wait to read them later! They came packaged very nicely. The cover artwork is pretty isn’t it?

I heard Nichijou is a good series to read while you’re learning Japanese. It does seem like the dialogue would be pretty simple. I’ve been reading Japanese everyday for studying but still.

There’s artwork on the back too.

These books may be used, but they look pretty good so far to me! I don’t see any stains or anything. 🎶

By the way, Nichijou has nendoroids! You know I love to talk about Nendos on my blog, so we might as well take a look at them right?

Nano and Hakase are very cute in nendoroid form!

When we talk about Nichijou nendoroids, I need to mention some important information about the different versions. Both Nano and Hakase have two different versions of their nendos. You should also keep this information in mind if you are interested in purchasing these.

The nendoroid on the right is the original version, released in 2012. The one on the left is the Arawi Keiichi version, released in 2023.

The original version is based on the anime series’ design. In 2023, Arawi Keiichi revamped the nendoroids to take more after his art style. In my opinion, the Arawi Keiichi version looks much better!

The nendoroid on the right is the original version, released in 2012. The one on the left is the Arawi Keiichi version, released in 2023.

You should also note that not all the parts are the same or even included in both. The older versions go for about 100$, while the newer ones are currently on preorder and go for about 60-80$. A fair price either way.

Honestly, I want to write a post just about the Nichijou nendoroids and their differences. After doing some research, it seems like it’d be useful if everyone had a guide telling them which parts come with which.

Let’s talk about this again sometime!

I’ve seen character songs on my YouTube too. So if I like the series maybe I’ll translate them? Also, if I enjoy this enough, I might get the new nendos when they come out!

Thank you for reading! Feel free to let me know your thoughts about these nendos, what anime figures you’d recommend, or even just your favorite moments in Nichijou in my comments section! I hope to see you next time! Thank you for supporting us today!


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