Nendos in My Bag 🎶
Hi! Arashi Bori here! I love sharing my nendo photos! ♥️ I always have so much fun on my blog! So, thank you so much for reading! If you read this often, then you’ll know that I’ve been doing more reviews than anything lately. Since some of the post are just reviews, and the others are my photos. I’m sorry I haven’t shared as many pictures of my nendos. I usually will just do a post once I’ve collected enough random photos of my nendos! I hope to improve my photography skills as I write this blog! I switched phones, so I finally rebooted my old one. So I have new photos that are actually old! I hope you enjoy this collection of our nendoroid family members peeking out of my bag!
Nezuko Chan! She looks cozy in there!
The pouch on my purse is really perfect for nendoroids…
Nezuko Chan and Satoru Kun! They look so cute together! Wait, what is Gojo doing with Nezuko?
Gojo again. This time he looks worried…
Chuya! His hair contrasts well with my bag.
Well, that was it! I really liked the one with Nezuko Chan and Satoru Kun. I hope you liked this! That’s it for today from Arashi Bori! All these photos where taken throughout 2022.
If you like my photos, please continue to read this blog in the future! It’s still really young, so thank you!
Thank you so much for reading! See you next time!