Collage board and Nendoroid

Hello everyone! Arashi Bori here! Today I don’t have much for content…But I did set up this new collage board. And my Nendoroid Shinobu Kocho can sit on it. >-<

Pretty cool right? I plan to keep adding to it in the future. I want the Hashiras to go on top, and the main characters to do bellow. And maybe put some chibi characters in the space in between?

I also have YouTube videos of me making some of these collages! 🎶

The first video is part one, and the second video is part two.

Hopefully I will continue to do stuff like this on my YouTube. Subscribe for more from me. Let me know which collage you want to see next in the comments! Thank you all so much for reading!


Camping With a Nendoroid. Plus, Funny Video


Shinobu and Covers